About us

ACIA, which markets the 'EcoTrap' product, specialises in environmental protection against lead pollution in shooting sports. Our mission is to provide innovative solutions to protect nature and ecosystems, while enabling shooters to continue practising their passion in complete safety. We have developed a revolutionary bullet trap system that recovers up to 99% of the lead contained in ammunition used in sport shooting.

EcoTrapis a young product created in 2023 by an amateur sportsman with a passion for shooting and a concern for the environment. Our aim was to find a solution to prevent soil and air pollution caused by lead used in shooting activities: pistol shooting, rifle shooting, ball-trap, biathlon. After several years of research and development, we have perfected an innovative, environmentally-friendly bullet trap system. This device is made from biodegradable and resistant materials, and is 100% effective.

Our products are protected by patents:

ecoTrap 10: French patent no. 2302460 dated 16/03/2023

Société ACIA - SASU au capital de 1 000€ - RCS Grenoble 902 349 851 00011 - APE4690Z - TVA CEE FR 902349851 - Accise FR021004O3649 - EORI FR FR9023498500011